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Pytest command line

I have recently dug into pytest documentation, and moreover into the command line arguments and I finally found a better workflow for running tests while I develop. Here is the command I run when I just made some devs: py.test -xvvvs --tb=line --pdb -x will stop execution on first failue, useful when debugging tests in order of appearance (recommended) -vvv will display current test path (reuasable in py.test), the path will avoid to rerun all the previous tests before going to the one you are currently working on. Read More...

Tagged tests , python , cli




I am a huge fan of ipython and its debugger ipdb (I have also done a patch on it). Then I discovered pdbpp and I found it so great that I no more use ipdb, here is why. More features Sticky mode Pdbpp comes with a lot of additional features which are really convenient. The first and more well known is the sticky mode: This will display the code currently, executed and shows you with an arrow at which exact line you are. Read More...

Tagged dev , python



Listing directory with wsgi

Recently I ran into an issue with my blog and pelican (the blogging engine I use). For some reasons (which I explain here) I had to develop a small wsgi app which act like the python SimpleHTTPServer. I tried a lot of things but they never worked as I wanted them to. So, I decided to do this by myself. Specifications Here are the features I wanted: Define a directory as the root (/) directory from which all the files will be served. Read More...

Tagged dev , python



Patch dependency

When developing on a project it is possible that a dependency can have an issue. First you want to be able to debug it (pdb, ipdb), then modify it if you find a bug. To do that there is a naive way in python, which consist in editing directly the sources of the module. But there is a cleaner way based on pip. The -e option allows you to pass a path (git, http, file) for a given module and link it to your environment. Read More...

Tagged dev , python



Pytest Fixture

I am a huge fan of python (one of the best language in my toolbox). And when it comes to tests, pytest is THE library to use. I also use Flask a lot, so today I will show you some of my snippets. First one the app fixture: @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def app(): """Load flask in testing mode""" app_test = myapp app_test.config['TESTING'] = True app_test.json_encoder = my_encoder return app_test.test_client() This create an app fixture which will be used to test the application, it returns a test client to interact with my Flask application. Read More...

Tagged python , dev